Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Warehouse Express

Well, what a surprise. Today I had a call from the Sales Manager at Warehouse Express, those of you that have read previous postings will know how unhappy I have been with the service from Warehouse, so much so that I made a decision never to deal with them again. I had written to the MD in mid December but so far have not had a reply to that letter - this really annoyed me, to date I have never had an unhappy client (that I am aware of anyway) but sure as hell if I did I would never let it get to this stage. Anyway, I digress. Today the phone rang and it was a very pleasant lady called Christine who is the Sales manager - I expected her to be saying that they had finally decided to respond to my letter, but no - they apparently had read my blog and seen how unhappy I was so she got involved and was going to resolve it for me.

She asked what would make me happy, I said a replacement camera - she called back 10 mins later to say that a new camera would be sent the next day. Now, why could that not have been done months ago, never mind, it is now resolved, I dont have the camera yet but I am sure she will be honest and it is on its way. I'm very relieved that this has been dealt with and in the spirit of fairness I should post here that the matter is on its way to being resolved and I am much happier, will I remain a client? Probably but lets not get carried away.

I find it amazing that  a recorded letter to the MD and numerous phone calls make absolutely no impact but 2 postings on a blog from, lets be honest, a small fry, unknown photographer in Perthshire can have the matter resolved in 10 minutes - the power of the web, it never ceases to amaze me!


Jutewallah January 29, 2009 at 8:32 PM  

Hello Angus. You speak with forked tong! The cinema is not free for pensioners but costs £3. It is only available on Wednesdays at 11:30. see www.myvue.com
So if you want to avoid the sweet smell of stale urine and boiled cabbage, avoid that showing!!!

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