Saturday, January 17, 2009


It's been a good few days lots more bookings, some more commercial work coming through which is what I had hoped for.

Aaron and Emmas web site is now up and running Click here to have a look, remember to leave a comment on the guest book.

I received a lovely email from Doranne and Graeme saying how happy they were with their photographs and what good feedback they had received regarding me from other guests, it's always great to get such good feedback, there is nothing better than happy customers. They weren't very happy the postie had cracked their disc but I'll get another one away by post on Monday. Today I met a really nice couple that are getting Married in April so we'll see if they decide to book me or not. I'm trying to have a bit of a holiday this week so not a lot planned until the end of the week.


Credit goes to for the original Blogger Template. Subsequently modified by Aerovisionit

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