Friday, January 2, 2009

Dec web site stats

Danny at Aerovision IT sent through the latest statistics for my web site. Visitor numbers continue to hold steady, a little down on last month but considering that last month was the first month this was to be expected. Bounce rate still good which means that people that find the site are interested in what it is about. Danny tells me that I need to make more changes to the site to keep the Google rankings up so I’ve added some new pics to the Wedding Page and another new one to the Commercial Gallery and more family shots in the Family Gallery . Part of the new site will be a news page which will, to a small extent, mirror the blog but it makes Google understand that the site is changing and thus help the rankings.


You can see the same sort of spread of visitor numbers with a big emphasis on London, this is to be expected by the sheer number of people there but I do get a lot of returning visitors from London which is interesting and I can;t explain it.

90% of visitors came from the UK and 48% were new visitors – this new visitors number is very good news, although it’s good that people come back again and again I also need new visitors. Of course, what really matters is Clients and last month was another record Month for bookings, both Wedding and Commercial so THANK YOU to all new clients, I look forward to working with you in the coming months. I continue to get about 3 enquiries per week for Weddings.


Credit goes to for the original Blogger Template. Subsequently modified by Aerovisionit

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