Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Last week we were on holiday (well as much of a holiday you can get when you are self employed), Susan and I went to Edinburgh for the day on the Wednesday. We had planned to do Britannia in the morning then try and catch a movie in the afternoon, there is a cinema in ocean terminal so it was all in one place. We looked at the web and found that there was a special screening of The Stone of Destiny on show at 11am, sad it might be going to the cinema at 11am but we really fancied seeing the film.

We joined a queue of pensioners only to find that the film was a special screening for pensioners who get in free and get coffee and cake too, what a great idea, I can't wait to get old! We were allowed in but we had to pay full fare. It was a great movie, really interesting and very enjoyable. I'd thoroughly recommend it.

After lunch we went onto Royal Yacht Britannia, it was really good value for money, very enjoyable and we spent 3 hours there wandering around. I was amazed at how spartan it was, I had expected it to be much more ostentatious but they seemed to live a very basic life, not as basic as the sailors who slept 9 to a tiny room!

Here are some quick shots of the boat, taken on my camera phone so please excuse the quality.







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