Monday, January 12, 2009

12 Enquiries in 1 day

It has been a good day, firstly I got some great feedback on the shots I did last week for the Public School, both the School and the Graphic Designer have said how pleased they were with them. It's good to get such good feedback on the shots and I look forward to seeing many of them in the ad campaign and the new prospectus.

It's been a crazy day for Wedding Enquiries, so far, as of 8pm I have had 12 enquiries for 2010, 2 of them I can't do as I am already booked but the others I certainly can do, we'll see if my prices and work is of interest. I knew January would be busy but I had never, in my wildest dreams expected such a huge number of enquiries in 1 day.

Today, Andrews sister (of Andrew and Emily whos Wedding I photographed a while back) sent in her booking form, it's great to get referral work. Surprisingly, one of the enquiries I had was from a friend of Andrew and Emily. So, thanks Andrew and Emily!


Credit goes to for the original Blogger Template. Subsequently modified by Aerovisionit

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