Saturday, January 3, 2009


I had a strange phone call today, it went something like this:

Hello, Angus Forbes

Hi, is that Angus


I'm wondering if you are free to photograph my Wedding on April ??

Hang on, let me check. Yes I am free then, can I send a price list to you by email?

No, it's ok, I have a copy from your web site, it's just your price seems a little high to me, another photographer based in the Carse of Gowrie is £100 less than you.

Ok, sorry, thats my price I dont haggle

It's just that I dont like his work very much, I'd much prefer to have you photograph my Wedding

Well sorry, my prices are fixed and I dont haggle - if you want to get it for less you better go with the guy whos work is not as good as mine.

Ok then I'll chat to my partner and call you back

I'm pretty sure I'll never hear from her again but it got me thinking, I can't moan about her haggling, I haggled in the past for various things, never very succesfully though, there is memory of me haggling over a hotel room, in the end I realised that I was haggling over £3 - hardly worth it.

Maybe when the date comes and goes and I dont have a booking I'll regret not taking her offer but I don't think so, I'd be much more unhappy if I took the offer then turned away another booking for the same date. Where does it end, photographers need to make a living and there are expenses of running a business, equipment, car, salary, insurance etc. Anyone can be busy if they are cheap, I was glad that she said my work was better, I do feel I charge a fair price for what I offer and it is good that people compare me to others and say my work is better, even if they dont book me.


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