Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hairdresser Dundee – Commercial Shoot for Aveda

Yesterday I was shooting a commercial job for Aveda Hair Products, Aveda are a company that use only natural ingredients in their products, because of that the feel of the shoot had to be natural. Simple make up, no clothing, no hairpeices, and simple lighting.

Here are 2 shots pretty much off the camera with only a little skin softening and contrast boosting. 

The lighting was consistent throughout the shoot, for those of you interested this is the lighting set up

Keylight was camera right very high and was shot through a 60cm softbox
Fill light was a beauty dish on a ringflash on very low power, just to fill in the shadows on the eyes
Hairlight was very far back to camera left zoomed to pick out the hair on the models right and lift it from the background.

Other hair shoots I have done in the past used very harsh lighting which I am not that keen on, thankfully Aveda like a softer approach.

Thanks to Model Laura and Hairdresser Ilana at Suzanne Duncan



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