Friday, January 15, 2010

Carberry Tower, East Lothian, Wedding Photography – Paul and Shona part 3

We carried on with shots of Paul and Shona, I feel this is an important part of the day, it’s one of only a few times that a couple will have the opportunity to be photographed by a professional photographer during their lifetime so I feel it’s worth investing the time in it. I like to have the couple for 30 minutes and we certainly managed that with Paul and Shone. Carberry is great for this type of photography as it has lots of little corridors and (if the weather is good) superb grounds. It reminds me a little of Castle Menzies in Aberfeldy.

Anyway, back to the photographs


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After the photo session we it was time for dinner but first speeches.

Shona was pointing out all the badges that she had got in the Brownies

Grahams speech was very good, he made a bit of a joke about Shona being suite small but said that size didn;t matter, finishing by saying that Paul was going to try and explain that later that night!!


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