Monday, March 23, 2009

Mucking about in Photoshop

Wednesday was such a nice day, I had to go to Arbroath to see a potential new client, the sun was shining, the sky was blue it was a lovely day. After my meeting I wandered round the port for a while building up my stock photography.


Not overly creative and will never win an award but it fills a gap in my stock library and hopefully will sell and give me a bit of an income.

After such a hard day of photography, well an hour walking about the port, I really needed a break - it's such a hard life being a photographer! I found a nice little coffee shop and had a drink and a cake, did a little work on my laptop then headed back.

As it was such a nice day, I'd rolled the old Toyota out to have a little fun on the country roads, I stopped in Glamis Castle to take the shot below, I had wanted to try a digital zoom burst. I set the camera on a tripod on the timer, got in the car and let the camera take the shot.

This is the result after a little mucking about in Photoshop, it was actually much easier than I thought it would be.


Credit goes to for the original Blogger Template. Subsequently modified by Aerovisionit

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