Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I hate Microsoft

For 2 days now I have tried to figure out why some emails are bouncing back to me as undeliverable, I eventually realised that it was all hotmail addresses. Digging deeper and searching round the web for information I have discovered that I am most likely on a Hotmail black list which means that every email I send to a hotmail address will bounce back to me – great.

Every day I receive enquiries about Weddings, many of these are from hotmail addresses which means that replying to them is difficult, I need to reply from another email address which looks unprofessional.

I have emailed Microsoft to try and figure out why this has happened but I can only get an automated reply. There is a possibility that this will eventually sort itself out but in the meantime I am stuck.

Not a happy bunny


Credit goes to for the original Blogger Template. Subsequently modified by Aerovisionit

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