Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wedding Photography at Baxter Park Dundee – Richard and Laura

So, once the service was over and the schedule was safely away from the champagne it was time for a few group photographs which we did on the steps to the south of the pavilion. This is a good area for photography, nice ornate pillars and especially for a group shot you can arrange quite a large number on these stairs.

After the group shots were over we waited until the crowd had dispersed before we did a few couple shots round the pavilion. 

Please note, all the photographs here are very heavily compressed for fast internet upload, if they appear slightly blurry – this is the reason

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There are lots more as Richard and Laura were both willing models but I’ll keep the rest for them.

After that we headed back to the Apex Hotel for the reception but we had arranged to go and do a couple more shots round city quay – see these tomorrow.


Credit goes to for the original Blogger Template. Subsequently modified by Aerovisionit

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