Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Joanna and Keith – Atholl Palace Hotel, Pitlochry. at the Church

We left Joanna and her Bridesmaids to finish off and we shot down the road to the Church which was just at the gates to the hotel. Keith was looking well and relaxed so we had a quick look round the Church yard with him and his best man to find some suitable locations for photography.


This smaller shot is classic Rembrandt lighting with the patch of light on the cheek although apparently Rembrandt always had the light coming from the other side – moving the sun was just too much for me!


270310-84 The Bridesmaids had just arrived, and didn;t they look stunning. The sun was out, people were happy – what a great job
Then Joanna and her Father arrived, the car was owned by Joannas father and he had pretty much rebuilt it from scratch. I met them only a week before the Wedding and she said that it was not finished at that point but her Father promised her that it would be ready – and it was.

270310-99 270310-102 Joanna looked so happy and her father was very proud.

270310-119 Meanwhile in the Church Keith was looking a little nervous.

The very last shot as she disappeared off inside the Church

270310-130 270310-143 And that first kiss!
The back outside and off to the hotel .


Tomorrow look forward to some couple shots followed on Friday by a few of the speeches.


Credit goes to for the original Blogger Template. Subsequently modified by Aerovisionit

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