Thursday, April 16, 2009

Miss Scotland

I’ll tell you, life is not bad when you get to photograph a Miss Scotland finalist. Gemma sadly only made it to the top 50 but out of many thousands that was a pretty good achievement. Earlier this week we had commissioned her for one of my PR clients to be in the photographs for Farmfoods. We travelled to Grangemouth Store for the shoot. I do this job regularly and it is not a bad job, same shots, different model, different background – easy peasy!

14 04 09 - 012

14 04 09 - 020

14 04 09 - 072 

From  a technical point of view the only issue (apart from customers) is the very bad tungsten light, obviously made to be bright and welcoming but a nightmare to photograph under as it makes skin look green. This is easy to resolve in Photoshop but as I was using a portable softbox to give Gemma some decent soft light what tends to happen is that the model (lit by the flash) is nice and well lit but the background goes even more green. The solution is to put a green gel on the flash so that both model and background are green then bring the whole shot back in Photoshop.


Credit goes to for the original Blogger Template. Subsequently modified by Aerovisionit

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