Monday, February 2, 2009

Thermal Imaging

A few days ago, our neighbour Ian arrived in the evening with a thermal imaging camera that he had borrowed from someone. Knowing that I am interested in all things technical he thought I’d be interested in seeing it. Ian works in the construction industry and these cameras are sued to check how well insulated houses are so we took a few shots of our house.




J0108-31 (2) 

You can see the red spots on the windows where heat is escaping but otherwise it looks pretty sound, not bad for a Betts House! Strangely the tree you can see just above the roof of the house has held its heat for a while and it was showing up as a hot spot.


The dogs were wandering about so I took a photograph of them to see if they were loosing heat anywhere, it was interesting to see the cracks between their ribs are showing up as a heat source. I think this is the same sort of technology that Customs People use to check for illegal immigrants in lorries.



On a more interesting note, the company that lent him the equipment had a commission from a newspaper to photograph scantily clad young women to see where the heat sources were – see for yourselves!


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