Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fiona and Mos - Braid Hills Hotel, Wedding Photography

Well, here I am at Braid Hills Hotel, right in the middle of Photographing the Wedding of Fiona and Mos (hope I have spelt that right, his real name is Momsin). The guests are having their meal and I have been fed and watered too by the brilliant staff here at Braid Hills. I have taken advantage of this down time to download and check the pics from 1 camera - just to be sure. I have been doing things slightly different at this Wedding, I have been using my new lastolite easy box so when I change something I just want to make sure that all is well - and it is.

I arrived early as usual, Fiona, who until has been the most laid back Bride I have ever seen was getting nervous and even confessed to crying at the rehearsal last night. There had been an issue with the flowers but it was well under way to being resolved when I arrived.

Fiona looked Stunning, Mos is a lucky man.

Here are a few shots to whet your appetite, I'll post more through the week when I have time.

Fionas engagement ring in the middle of the flowers - these were the replacement ones.

These pearls are Fionas Mothers and are very special to both of them.
Mos and the best man, poor guy he was extremely nervous and I am not sure my banter actually helped him. The service was at Bellevue Chapel in Edinburgh, the Minister was Paul and he was very laid back and easy going which makes a Photographers job so much easier.

I really liked the stain glassed windows in the church, unfortunately I just missed the light, during the service it was shining very brightly through these round windows but it passed before the service finished.


Credit goes to for the original Blogger Template. Subsequently modified by Aerovisionit

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