Friday, December 12, 2008

More Bookings

It’s been a good week, last Saturday I had to go through to Kirriemuir to meet a couple about a Wedding, it was the first time I had met Karen and Jochen and we got on well. In an “it’s a small world” kind of way I had recently photographed Karens niece and her baby. Karen and Jochen are getting Married in South Africa as that is where they met but they are having a Wedding Celebration a few days later in Scotland and they wanted some good photographs of the day. By strange coincidence I also had another meeting in kirriemuir to discuss the possibility of photographing the Wedding of Stephan and Sheena, although they live in Edinburgh Sheenas parents live in Kirriemuir and in another “it’s a small world” kind of way, Sheenas Mother knows Andy and Jennifer (whos Wedding I Photographed a couple of weeks back). Sheena and Stephan are a lovely couple and I feel their Wedding will be a great day. So, lots of coincidences that weekend.

By the time I got home both couples had emailed me to say that they wanted to book me for their Weddings which was really good. Saturdays post also contained a booking form for another Wedding in July 2009 – taking my total number of weddings in July to 7, and I still have a Saturday free! Getting Married on weekdays is proving to be quite popular. I have not even met this couple yet, they live in Edinburgh so I’ll make a point of going through to see them before the big day.

Monday I was in Edinburgh doing a little selling on the Commercial front, I love doing Weddings but Commercial work is important too as, despite what I said above, most Weddings are on Saturdays and there are only so many of them. I have turned away 3 potential bookings since the 1st November so I need to get Commercial work to fill the gap. It’s also a completely different discipline, requiring different skills and on some occasions can be quite exciting. It was a successful day and I managed to catch up with some old customers.

Speaking of Commercial work, I have been asked by a Commercial Client why I never put examples or client details here. It’s purely that I don’t want my competitors to try and steal my work, I do work with some really interesting organisations and I want to keep them. If any Commercial Potential Clients want more information, just ask.

Tuesday I was in Glasgow shooting some Educational work for a client, it was a lovely bright day with clear blue skies. The difficulty at this time of year is the sun is so low in the sky, in some regard it is good as it gives really nice warm long shadows. On the other hand, when shooting amongst tall buildings as I was, it creates problems as the sun hits the top of the building and not the bottom, creating great contrasts between light and dark.

Thursday evening I was off again to see another couple that may want me as their Wedding Photographer, they are a really laid back couple and I think their Wedding will be a very relaxed affair.

The rest of the week has been admin, selling, accounts and trying to get my tax return sorted out. I’m doing a bit of research on my advertising, I pay a fair bit to Yellow Pages for an advert in the book and on line. I have asked every person that has approached me how they found me, none have said Yellow Pages so unless that changes I’ll be dropping my ad next year. I look at the Photographers in Yellow Pages and it’s easy to get caught up in “they are there so I must be”, if it is not generating any business then it is a waste of time.  

My 450D has returned and I have tested it many times, I am still not happy so it’s going back again. I am going to try and persuade them that the camera is not fir for purpose and get a refund, not sure of my rights here but I’ll keep you posted.


Credit goes to for the original Blogger Template. Subsequently modified by Aerovisionit

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