Wedding Photography Scotland – Matt and Rachel – Glamis Church
I just knew that this would be a great Wedding, despite only meeting Matt and Rachel twice I had a feeling that we would all get along really well. They are a lovely couple, they live in London but Rachel grew up in Glamis and Mat comes from Ireland. Not only did I just know that we;’d get along I also knew that Rachel would look stunning on the day and be really easy to photograph.
Rachels Father was the Minister in Glamis and Rachel grew up in the Manse there. Her parents now live near Brechin and her Father is a Minister in a Parish in Dundee. However, Glamis holds very special memories for her so the service was conducted by her Father in Glamis Church – and what a Church, bright and airy, makes my job much easier.
Caroline came along to help me for the day so we headed off to a luxury holiday home near Edzell where Matt and his family were staying for the week. Matt is an conference organiser and likes timetables, his brother told me that the timetable was out the window before it started as Matt had disappeared to drop off his bag and we were already late.
Matts Mum gave us a guided tour of the house – she even offered us some porridge
There was a little confusion over the tie
Dad came to the rescue
We started with the boys and a walk round the garden Matt was looking quite relaxed here so we wandered round the house and took a few shots of him in different locations, this one is probably my favourite.
Then it was a quick shot of Matt with his parents before we headed off to find Rachel and get shots of her getting ready.
To be continued on Wednesday
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