Saturday, March 27, 2010

Kinkell Byre Wedding Photography – Jill and Gavin

After the service was over we stopped very briefly for a couple of shots in the Church grounds – this was unplanned but the weather was nice and it seemed like a good idea.


Then we all headed over to Kinkell Byre, it’s about a 30 minute drive away so I shot off as fast as I could so I was there waiting for Jill and Gavin to arrive.
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Kinkell is a very unusual venue and it had been decorated very well by Jill and her friends with a great deal of help from Tracy of Eden Event Wedding Planners – if you need help with a Wedding then Tracey is the person to talk to.
The cake looked lovely but I didn;t try it – too busy!
060310-289 This was a lovely touch, Jill and Gavin had put out Wedding Photographs from their parents – very unusual but a nice touch.

It was dry so I dragged Jill and Gavin from their friends and we went outside for a few shots. Jill and Gavin didn;t want to be away from their friends for too long so we rattled through a few shots quickly.




Jill's instruction was to get as many pics of people enjoying themselves as possible – easy enough when drink is being served.


Right along this corridor Jill and Gavin had photographs of them when they were younger.


Tomorrow it will be a few photographs of the Speeches and dancing. Hopefully by then the proof book will have arrived and I can get the pack off to Jill and Gavin


Credit goes to for the original Blogger Template. Subsequently modified by Aerovisionit

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