Friday, November 13, 2009

Linda and Nate – Wedding Photography, Norton House Hotel

What a change in the weather last Saturday and thank goodness for that, I was back in Norton House Hotel near Edinburgh (after many years) for the Wedding of Linda and Nate, this had been a fairly last minute booking but I had met them both twice and we all got on really well. This Wedding had been a recommendation from Elemental Weddings so thanks guys for that.

I started as usual in the Brides Room, it was busy, lots of people milling about so I fired off a few shots of rings flowers etc.

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I also managed to drag Linda away from the Champagne for a few shots of her with her Mother and Sisters.
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After that I headed downstairs to see if I could find Nate, I managed to find him in the reception room peering at a lap top screen. Nate is from New Zealand and due to illness his parents were not able to make the journey to Scotland, so the next best thing was to join the proceedings by video conference via Skype. It was 3am in the morning there!
I dragged him away from his Mother for a few shots outside, time was marching along now.
071109-041 071109-029 Then it was quickly back for the service which was due to start.
Linda arrived looking Stunning

The service was really nice and a bit of hilarity through the proceedings is always good.  Nates Parents were still online watching from NZ
071109-117 A quick chat and some congratulations from the other side of the world then it was out for champagne.
We did some group shots, quite quickly as it was getting colder then we went for a walk about to get some stunning couple shots. I’d already had a scout about for locations so we were able to get on quickly. 071109-152 071109-153



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071109-187 We couldn’t miss a shot of Linda and her Father.


Then the cake shot – we also did the cake cutting here before it was formally done. I like to do a fake shot as well as the real thing just to be safe.
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The speeches were very funny, Lindas Dad had us all in stitches and Linda was mortified for a fair part of it. Nate got a bit of a hammering from his best Men, they had many stories from people in New Zealand, at one point I almost felt sorry for him.

And finally, his 2 best Men did a Scottish Haka, it was absolutely hilarious.


Credit goes to for the original Blogger Template. Subsequently modified by Aerovisionit

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