Saturday, November 21, 2009

Claire and Callum – The Lonach Hall, Strathdon, Wedding Photography by Angus Forbes

Such a pity it was chucking down as I drove over Glanshee to Strathdon and the Lonach Hall for the Wedding of Claire and Callum last Saturday. It was always to be expected, its November after all but I was hoping for a freak good day. I arrived early as usual and found Claire and her helpers in the hotel bedroom getting ready, a quick round of hellos then off to scout the area for locations.

141109-012 141109-016

The origins of the Lonach Hall date back to 1823, when King George IV honoured Charles Forbes with a baronetcy - Sir Charles Forbes Bart of Newe and Edinglassie. Later that same year, to mark his son John's coming of age on 15th December, a bonfire was lit on the Lonach Hill, and the Lonach Highland and Friendly Society was founded to preserve the Highland dress and the Gaelic tongue. In 1836, the Society agreed to hold a Highland Gathering. So many people called Forbes seem to come from this area I felt quite at home!

Guess where I found Callum!
I managed to drag him away from the bar for a quick photograph before things got too busy.

141109-069 Claire and her bridesmaid Elissa arrived, they both looked stunning and more decent than the last time I had seen them!

141109-093 Meanwhile Callum was waiting patiently for her arrival – I think at this point he had just caught sight of her. 


After the service there was a quick drinks reception but it was getting very cold and windy so we headed in for photographs.

Can you see how cold she was, very brave of her to be outside
We headed back inside for more photographs.

Claire and Callum had organised a caricaturist to keep people entertained for a while, Claire had to have hers done.  
141109-224 141109-314 The first dance – music was provided by Smooth Cat Disco  although after the 1st dance the Ceilidh band got everyone going

I like to get in about the action at the dancing but it can be dangerous – I was knocked over twice that night.


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