Friday, September 10, 2010

Get Married in a Scottish Castle

If you fancy the idea of getting married in a Scottish Castle, then you are spoilt for choice. Just in the east central part of Scotland there is a huge number of castles where you can have a fairytale Scottish Castle Wedding. 2 of my favourites are :


Castle Menzies - This spectacular sixteenth century castle, restored by the Menzies Clan Society welcomes vistors. Seat of the Chiefs of Clan Menzies for over 400 years and importantly situated, it was involved in the turbulant history of the Highlands and here Bonnie Prince Charlie rested on his way to Culloden in 1746. Architecturally fascinating, it is a splendid example of the transition between earlier rugged fortress and later mansion house.

Birkhill Castle - Set in glorious countryside, right on the coast in North East Fife, Birkhill was built in 1780. The house is surrounded by beautiful gardens and guests can wander through these and see a number of rare trees and plants. Birkhill is primarily a family home and offers a warm welcome to all that cross its front door.

Other castles to look at are

Guthrie Castle
Dalhousie Castle
Edinburgh Castle
Fingask Castle


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