Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dollar Wedding Photographer, Neil and Nicola,

  And so the evening continued. Neil and Nicola were having a lovely time at their Wedding in the grounds of Dollar Academy and I was delighted to be their Wedding Photographer.

happy bride at dollar academy

And it was outside for the big surprise, the Dollar Academy Pipe band were plating especially for Nicola and Neil, not many weddings manage to have a full pipe band to play for them. I have only ever photographed 3 Weddings that managed a full pipe band and they have all been in the last 12 months
a group of wedding guests at dollar academy scotland

childern at a scottish wedding 

Even the kiddies were fascinated
pipe band play at a scottish wedding

the dollar academy pipe band play for a scottish wedding

guests at dollar academy wedding watch the pipe band 

Most guests had never seen a full pipe band play at a Wedding before
scottish weddign venue with pipe band

The Bride and Groom were marched down the driveway to the marquee at Dollar Academy

bride and groom with pipe band in scotland

pipe band lead bride and groom to dinner

wedding guests follow pipe band to dinner

The Wedding Guests followed on behind

the grounds of dollar academy



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