Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wedding Photography at Duck Bay Marina, Karen and Jochen

Karen and Jochen were Married in South Africa on a game reserve which is where they met, Jochen was a Game Warden and Karen went on holiday. I’d love to say that they flew me to South Africa but that was not the case sadly. However, I did have the real pleasure to be the photographer at their Wedding Celebration in Duck Bay Marina on Loch Lomond. This is a stunning venue right on the loch side.

050610-1 Officially the furthest travelled flowers I have photographed, and they were not even flowers. Look closely and you’ll see they are wood shavings spray painted different colours. Very impressed ! Thinking they had been bought from some exotic shop in Africa I was amazed when Karen said they had been bought on a market stall in Stirling. They had been all the way to South Africa, used at the Wedding then back again to Scotland and still in great condition.


The same can’t be said for Karens Shoes, the dust and heat of the African bush had left it’s mark
Karen designed her dress herself

050610-23 I didn’t realise that Karen and Jochen were famous but the local paper carried it on the front page

050610-52 Despite being of German / South African extraction, Jochen certainly suits the kilt


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Karen had asked me to take photographs of everyone in a frame, some people took to it really well and acted up, others will a little more staid!




After the first dance I persuaded Karen and Jochen to come outside as the light on the jetty was stunning.

Karen and Jochen, thanks for asking me to record your (second) special day, it was a real pleasure to work with you and your family. Best wishes for the future.

Wedding Photography throughout Scotland


Credit goes to for the original Blogger Template. Subsequently modified by Aerovisionit

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