Raymond and Marina, Wedding Photography Dunfermline
I’ve been so lucky with all my clients, not one of them has been difficult or bad tempered, Raymond and Marina were certainly neither of these , you couldn't meet nicer people. Not only that, Raymond used to be a drummer with Big Country, my favourite band of all time. If I didn’t have a mortgage to pay, I’d happily photographed their Wedding free just for that reason!!
Anyway, it was to be in Dunfermline, Forester park resort , we had been there a few weeks back to check the location out and it had the potential to be stunning. We always knew it would be dark, the service was not until 4pm and it is almost mid winter so outside shots were never on the agenda. However, in Blairgowrie the weather was fine with blue skies so I was hopeful that we might get a few outside shots. That was not to be, Dunfermline was coated in thick mist all day – bummer!
I went to Keavil House Hotel where they were all getting ready.
I found Raymond being assisted by Willie the best man
Marina was in her mothers room with the 2 bridesmaids, she was not really decent enough to be photographed so I stuck to the dress and various other bits and pieces.
Raymond is such a romantic at heart, this is the room key that he had given Marina
We all headed up to Forester Park where Raymond was steadying his nerves.
Christmas is a big thing here at Forester Park and Raymond and Marina wanted it to be part of their big day.
Marina arrived with her Mum who was to be giving her away.
The service was conducted by Reverend Jesamine from Dunfermline Abbey, we had met once before a few weeks back for Gary and Kellys Wedding and he remembered me by name which was nice. He is a really nice man and he does have definite rules on photography during the service, I managed to negotiate with him to let me take 2 photographs during the service. After the signing, time was really short and we had a bit to get through so I had to drag Raymond and Marina away for photographs, I hate doing this to the guests and try to make it as quick as possible but they were both really up for being photographed, Marina had modelled before and it showed through.
We started off by the piano, being keen to push the boundaries and also to link in to Raymonds musical skills I persuaded her to get on top – with a little help!
Somehow or other we found ourselves in the Gents locker room!
Then it got worse, we found the showers, I was just doing as I was told – honest!
Raymond wanted to show off his chiselled jaw line so a bit of hard flash and classic Rembrandt Lighting.
Raymond and Marina, you were truly great to work with. Please do keep in touch and lets get together once you move back to Scotland. Your disc will be with you early next week.
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