Kelly and Garry, Wedding Photography, Dunfermline Abbey and Keavil House Hotel
I was really looking forward to Garry and Kellys Wedding, I had met them both a couple of times and they were great fun, I had a feeling that they would be a great laugh on the day. Not only that, I also had a feeling that Kelly would look stunning, boy was I right!
The only let down on the day was the weather, Dunfermline Abbey has some great photographic opportunities, nice old sandstone buildings and the old knave has large south facing doors that let in lovely light – if there is any! By the time the service was over, the rain had arrived, it was pretty heavy, cold and very windy, a photographers nightmare.
Anyway, I started at Garry and Kellys house where Kelly was getting ready, she was very nervous but holding it together.
I shot off to the Abbey and met up with Garry who was just as nervous. I only had a few minutes as Kelly Arrived 10 minutes early, Historic Scotland who run the abbey run a very tight ship and they don't allow you to be late.
The service was brief and nice, I was only allowed on the balcony, again this is all very tightly controlled by Historic Scotland. Thankfully the minister allowed me to place a small remote controlled camera in the pulpit, this allows me to be in 2 places at the same time.
After the service, we did a few formal shots on the steps of the Abbey – just as the rain arrived. That left me with a bit of an issue for where to do the shots of Garry and Kelly, I liked the old door on the south side but it was so cold. Kelly agreed to brave the wind and driving rain for a few minutes but even I could not keep her there for too long. I ended up using flash which I hate but it was just too dark for even my cameras at the highest ISO setting to be hand held.
We headed over to Keavil House Hotel for the meal, as we drove along the rain passed over and the sky looked brighter so I was a little happier about that.
Believe it or not, this shot was taken in the ladies toilet, the poor old lady that came out of a cubicle to see me, Kelly, Garry, the video guy and a flash soft box must have wondered what was going on.
Thankfully the sun came out for a while and we had a very quick walk round the garden to get some more shots.
Thanks Garry and Kelly for being such great sports, you really were a pleasure to work with and I hope that Mexico is everything you want it to be.
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