It's all over bar the shouting, we watched the Obama inaguration with interest,, I like to see what the Press Photographers are doing, what gear they are using and where they end up. During his speech there was an old duffer wandering around in the background with a camera, it looked like a 450D, hope he did not buy it from Warehouse Express! Anyway, I digress. The Old duffer semed to be a bit confused, he is seen clearly wandering up and down the stairs behind Obama with his camera, trying to get a shot of the new President. The little flash gun is up on the top, he'll need more than a flash gun to light that stage, nothing short of a nuclear explosion would offer enough light. I wonder who he was and how he got there? I wonder how many other people watched the speech but paid more attention to this old unidentified man in the background with the beret on?
The whole thing was certainly a spectical, it will go down in the list of moments where you remember where you were when these things happened, like Kennedy being killed (I was not born obviously), Dianna being killed and 911 - strange these moments all seem to be related to people dying! At some point, can;t quite remember when, they played some song written by John Williams who wrote the music from the Deer Hunter, a movie with Robert de Niro, I remembered I had photographed him a while back when he played at the Caird Hall, Dundee. He was a really nice guy and very happy to be photographed. The shot is below if you are interested.
Business is still going along well, Wedding Bookings coming in thick and fast, 2 new Commercial Clients on board this month for jobs next week. I have to say I don't seem to be suffering during the recession, I do wonder when my luck will run out.

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